1 11.5 oz box of Chocolate Cheerios
1 10.5 oz bag of marshmallows
3 tbls butter
1/2 cup chopped, toasted hazelnuts
Grease a 13x9 pan. Melt the butter and marshmallow in a pot over medium-low heat. When it's all melted turn off the heat and mix in the Cheerios and nuts. Quickly transfer the mixture to the prepped pan and spread/press it into it. You can use a greased piece of foil or parchment to cover it so you can press it firmly without it sticking everywhere. Let sit for ~1 hour or until firm.
Other stuff that would be good: chocolate chips, pretzels, chopped dried cherries
Ok, this is an almost pointless recipe to post, since everyone knows the cereal treat formula, but I got a couple decent pictures so I figured, what the hell?

So, have you guys had Chocolate Cheerios?

Oh and I'm the Blog of the Day on Foodista! Excitement.
wow! that looks like a super gourmet rice crispy treat (only with cherrios). i love those colors!!
I like this! I think I would be tempted to use the banana cheerios though because we are loving them! :)
I saw the choc cherrios a while back and YUM - what could be better than that?? These treats look like a very grown up version of something yummy.
Great idea! I love chocoalte cheerios. I have a bag of marshmallows at home - I might have to make these this weekend!
hi friends .. I like this article very helpful for me,,,,
what about link exchange..??
My kids soooo want to try the chocolate cheerios but I won't let them! I tell them cereal like that is only for camping (or birthdays)
These are a serious step up from rice krispies treats! What a throw back to my childhood. I didn't even know they made chocolate cheerios.
I don't think I've tasted the Chocolate Cheerios...I'm trying to remember if I even knew they were out there. These treats sound sooo good!!!
I love the idea of cheerio treats, must make them asap!
I've never had chocolate cheerios, didn't know they existed.
These treats are awsome
I used to make these treats when my kids were little; the addition of hazelnuts makes it an adult treat and I would not mind grabbing a couple to go with a cup of coffee today!
Oooooh those look soooo goood!
You always make me hungry.. even when I have just eaten!!!!
I have an award for you Here...
Yummy Blessings !!
Ma Fey
What a great idea. I did not know chocolate cherios existed, so I would have never come up with this one!
nice job all around...and did I hear you are foodistas blog of the day? congrats!
Thanks kids!
HoneyB: I bet that would be awesome. You could swap the hazelnuts with walnuts.
Joie de vivre: Heh, that's great. We only got sugary cereal on camping trips when I was a kid!
Mama Feoneafey: Thanks so much!
Nice!!! Move over rice crispies!!! Cheerios are coming in. Yum!!!! I'd snack on this all day long.
Fun! Happy birthday to your girl. I had no idea there was such a thing as chocolate cheerios, but I would definitely some of these little treats!
really great toppings to an old favorite... wonderful post
I've never had a cherrio bar before - they look tasty. I am sure you kids would love them.
Cherrio bars, with chocolate and hazelnut..I'm in!
oh man oh man...these pictures are killing me slowly, but surely....I can hear my stomach rumbling...
Chocolate Cheerios?
You are hilarious. My son would love these.
Those treats look awesome! I love the idea of adding non-cereal elements to the treats to make them a little more "grown-up."
I love hazelnuts! This is such a good recipe to have on hand because it is a light dessert to eat. I probably would add more chocolate like a drizzle on top! I haven't tried the chocolate cheerios yet, sounds weird for breakfast in the morning. lol
so this is breakfast food, right? LOL I love it!!
Fallon: Heh, a chocolate drizzle had been part of the initial plan, but I got lazy.
dawn: I have the post tagged that way. ;)
These really do sound fantastic. I also love the ease with which they can be put together. This one's a keeper.
Wow ~ Cheerios never looked so good! Trying these soon :)
First off...this is a heart healthy treats...secondly there is chocolate in it...third off hazelnuts. oh good stuff!
You have taken Cheerio bars to a whol 'nother level. Oh and I am so there!
We love the chocolate Cheerios too! We must make this yummy treat!
Hazelnuts and Cheerios...nice touch! The pictures are too hunger inducing. :)
Wow! those are a real treat in my opinion...and thanks for the recipe:D I have not made anything with marshmallows before so this comes in helpful. Congrats on being blog of the day on Foodista.
OMG, these are totally better than Rice Krispie treats! Anything with Hazelnuts & Chocolate makes me swoon!
YIKES do these look good. I'm glad you posted the recipe because I don't have it and it's not on every box of cereal here. 'Course we don't have chocolate cheerios either. But maybe I can find something to substitute...
GREAT photo, too.
Women celebrate their birthday for an entire week--didn't you know that? And I've never heard of making these with cheerios, but now I'm definitely going to try.
I didn't even know chocolate cheerios existed! I love these! Hazelnuts and chocolate are the perfect flavors together.
Wow, this cereal bar sure looks delicious, with all this yummies stuff in it :-)
I saw this post at work today. All I could do was drool on my keyboard and mumble over and over "Nom, nom, nom....
Marshmallow treats for the discerning palate! Who knew?!!
Mmmm, these look good! Glad you posted them! :-)
You're tempting me with more hazelnut & chocolate. This looks yummy!
I don't think I've ever seen a box of chocolate cheerios! I better start looking more carefully next time 'cause these look seriously good.
First time here. Came here from Joanne's blog.Those cheerio bars look awesome. Beautiful blend of colors. Loving it.
BTW, would you be interested in participating in a giveaway? check my latest post when you get a chance. :)
I had no idea that Cheerios came in a chocolate flavor b/c I never eat cereal anymore. I think I'm missing out! Nice job!
Happy Birthday to your girlfriend!
I need to get my hands on some chocolate cheerios - I didn't even know there was such a thing!
these are definitely a step up from the standard marshmallow-cereal treat--sophisticated and classy almost. very nice. i haven't tried the chocolate cheerios (my heart belongs to the apple cinnamon), but i can't think of a finer use for them. bravo. :)
These treats look so yummy! What a great idea Bob! I'll have to make these soon!
these are just so totally awesome!!
These look well..AMAZING! I have never seen the chocolate cheerios. But I DO love me some count chocula!
Bob, you deserved it! This is so so so scrumptious looking thing! Gosh, where to start the bite?
There is nothing pointless about this at all! This is makes plain old Rice Krispies Treats look like a block of blah. I'm going to buy a box of Chocolate Cheerios ASAP.
useful info .. thanks
i literally eat cheerios in everything. peanut butter sandwiches, yogurt, ice cream...now THIS! :D
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