Thursday, April 30, 2009

Bonus Post! Virtual Bake Sale for a Good Cause.

Yay bonus post! Not that it's going to be a new recipe I'm afraid. But I'm feeling charitable today, so I wanted to take part in this. I'll Eat You is having a blogiversary virtual bake sale to support The World Food Program. She wants bloggers to post their favorite bake sale recipe and links to a donation page (which is here) to help her help them help others. That last bit might be hard to parse, but I think you get the gist.

So, what kind of bake sale would it be without chocolate chip cookies? Not just any chocolate chip cookies either, but The Best Chocolate Chip Cookies Ever! Yeah, you've seen that recipe before. And this picture too. But damn, they really are the best cookies ever and I couldn't think of anything better for a bake sale. So if you're a blogger why not post your favorite bake sale recipe and help some people get some food? If you have some cash to spare why not give a couple bucks? Being hungry blows.


Karen said...

Cool idea.

Reeni said...

MMM cookies. Great cause. I'll see what I can come up with.

noble pig said...

Yes, I would buy yours.


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